How To Direct A Model

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Опубликовано на Июн 30 2011

Moronic janitor Culton Jagoff returns, still dreaming of a career in the hip-hop record business. He's a record mogul, a video director and a performer in his own demented, tiny brain. Who are we to dash his dreams? The trash-talking Jagoff gets as far as setting up his own video shoot but his bloated balls get the better of him and he abandons his project as soon as the starlet walks in for the job. Clearly, a man who thinks with the little head. After firing his production coordinator, Jagoff decides to fuck Stacey Foxx instead of actually producing anything. Since these starlets will do anything a guy says to be in videos, she falls for his line of shit in a snap. She sucks his meat without hesitation and opens her legs for him so he can fuck the shit out of her. He thumps Stacey so bad she has no idea what's going on. Chalk up another score for this stupid poser. One day he's going to get his legs broken by a real thug after one of his suckers complains to her boyfriend. Until then, Jagoff will be rapping and tapping his cock off.

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