The Lap Dancers

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Опубликовано на Сен 14 2011

Hi Boys! I have a funny story for you all...and it's *real* - we were gonna shoot a scene with this negro, and I guess at the last minute he chickened out. Oh well. So with our room set up and no one there, we decided to call a couple ESCORTS right out of the yellow pages! Hee hee. It's so crazy! We had to make a whole bunch of calls, cause a lot of the girls didn't want their faces on the internet, and a lot of the girls were whiteys. But we found two super hotties, Angel and Stacy, and they came right over to give me a lap dance! We decided before we shot the scene to start with a lap dance and then "see what happens from there"...and boy it got really hot in no time! Black girls have booties that just don't stop, and during my lap dance, I thought I was gonna cream my panties! When you guys go to a strip joint and get a lap dance from a black girl, how do you NOT make a mess in your tighty-whiteys? LOL. White boys and their tighty-whiteys...HAHAHA. Oh well. I still luv ya all! XOXO - Spring

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