A Murder, A Mystery, A Mistake ?

Anal, Blowjob, First-Time, Incest, Murder, Prostitution, Science-Fiction, Transgendered, Transsexual, Virginity
There I was, heavily at work as usual. It was a occupy Friday afternoon. Another mellow profile slaying grammatical case. Same MO as the go. The victim was tortured with lacerations all over his organic structure. Fingernails tore off. eye out of its socket. A gruesome murder. How the killer was able to inflict this often equipment casualty, while still keeping the victim alive and conscious enough to address was as much a mystery to me as the fact that he was able to get out into the victim’s high-security planetary house without leaving a trace. As if the sea wolf was a trace.

No planetary house breaking and entering. No traces of fingerprint. No execution arm. No clue as to who or how they were able to do this. However, there was a video. I had seen it. It was uploaded to the net. The victim’s confession of all the women he blackmailed and sexually assaulted.

I realize I have my work cut out for me. Especially seeing how this is the third gear murder matching this particular MO. A tormented male with a video of him confessing his offense. I let out a sigh, rubbing my forehead as I felt a headache coming on. I was in do-or-die need of coffee. They discovered the body early this sunup and I’ve been hard at work ever since.

Finally, after time of day of trying to visualise out the solvent to these questions, I’ve decided to take a gap and catch another cup of coffee. Walking out of the crime lab, I made my way down to the intermission room.

As I walk into the shift way, I hear my figure. “ snick ! Have you found anything out about how our orca was able-bodied to figure the home without sounding the alarum ? ”

Shit, it’s tec O’Connell. “ Honestly, I have nothing. It’s like we’re dealing with a ghost. There is no house of breaking in, the alarum wasn’t set off. No fingerprints, no weapon. The solely thing we do make is an obvious need. The killer seems to be targeting aver rapists. That’s what the three victim have in common. ”

“ O’Connell, that P. I. is asking for you, ” Major Davis interrupts as he walks in.

“ Garcia ? ” she asks. “ God that adult female is relentless. ”

She then turns back to me. “ See what else you can find out and we’ll lecture later. ”

She then turned heel and walked out in a huff.

I grabbed my coffee and made my way back to the lab. “ Nick ! I finished organizing the documents on where the evidence was found and its conditions. ” I see my assistant Ashley with a folder in her hand. She sets the booklet on the mesa. “ Would you like me to grab a copy of the morgue’s cover ? ”

“ That would be great Ashley, thanks ! ” she nods and then headland off. I take a sip of my coffee and spread up her data file. I glance over the exposure’s of the offence view and the evidence as well as the corroboration. This is going to be a long week.

I spent the rest of the day running mental test and analyzing DNA. All of which seemed to be in vain. All of the DNA samples we tested matched all of the victim’s known companion. All of which were in his house at some point prior to the time of end. However, all of them had alibis. I couldn’t find a fighting of evidence that shed any brightness on the criminal offence. What if the Orcinus orca knew how to short-circuit the security measure ? Still, how did he get into the home without breaking anything ? All the doors were locked.

Ashley pass in with the dead room reputation. She hands it over to me. I flip through even though I was present during the post-mortem examen. The victim had a 2.5-inch wide knife thrust wound. What was he stabbed with a brand ? That’s an awfully full blade. There are other chump don’t look like any brand I’ve ever seen. “ What do these search like Ashley ? ”

She looks closely at the exposure. “ Honestly ? They look like claw marks. ”

“ That’s exactly what I thought. This case just keeps getting weirder and weirder. ”

Ashley and I spent the rest of the night mulling over what we had, which was side by side to nothing. Whoever this was, they were unspoiled.

I eventually resolve to call it quits for the Night. I send Ashley base, but I stayed a small longer. I had some personal business to do and I really didn’t want anyone asking inquiry. I went through the police database, looking for all entropy on a Bianca Caldwell. I know I’ve done this a thousand multiplication, but I have to be missing something. She has to be the one I’m searching for.

-- -

I ended up at the same bar I’ve spent the end several week at. Hoping she shows up. However, I haven’t seen her yet. I was going to finally talk to her today. I was going to separate her the truth.

So I sat there and had a few beverage. Then she finally walked in. Slightly taller than me at 6 ft. She had long shoulder length blonde hair. A Shirley Temple Black dress that barely filled up those curved shape and she had curves. Not overweight, but she could meet out a garb, that’s for sure.

She walked right up to me and took the candid behind beside me. “ I’ve seen you in here quite a few times, but I still haven’t gotten your name … Mines Bianca. ” diddly-shit ! I didn’t expect her to draw near me !

“ Uh … Hi Bianca … I … I’m Nick, ” I stutter. I can’t believe she’s actually talking to me !

“ Nice name gouge, mind buying a daughter a potable ? ” she asks. I nod and signal the bartender over.

“ Can I get two of … ” I turn to her. “ What would you like ? ”

“ Screwdrivers please ! ” she says.

The bartender nods and goes to sour making our drinks.

“ So notch, what is it you do ? ” she asks.

“ I’m a law-breaking scene police detective, ” I tell her.

“ Oh neat ! Like that tv display ? ” she asks.

“ Yeah, for the most part. ” The bartender hands us both a glass full of orange succus and vodka. “ How about you ? ”

She leans in closer and whisper in my ear. “ I get paid to have a good meter with nice Guy like you. Are you interested in having a commodity prison term ? ”

I can smell a heavy perfume … rose wine. It takes my nostrils by storm.

I silently nodded. “ Good, ” she said.

“ So, nick... Have any concern cases ? ” she asks as she puts a hand on my thigh.

“ I’m really not supposed to speak about my cases, ” I tell her. “ But between you and me, there’s a orca on the slack targeting men who are alleged rapists. ”

“ Really ? Any clue who it is ? ” she asks.

“ No idea, he’s like a trace … Able to enrol high-security home plate without leaving a touch, ” I tell her.

“ Wow, enticing ! ” She says excitedly. “ So this touch only targets alleged rapists ? ”

“ So far … Also, there’s always a tape of the victim confessing his crimes, ” I add. I know I shouldn’t be telling her this, but I can resist her. Besides, if I don’t public lecture about this case, I’m going to misplace my cocksucker.

“ Oh my god ! Really ! Was that picture show star one of them ? ” she asks. Of course, his tape was uploaded to the cyberspace before we could stop it.

“ Yeah … ” I confirm.

“ Sounds more like a hoagy if you ask me, ” she says. We both finish our crapulence and I order two More.

“ You wouldn’t think that if you saw the body, ” I tell her.

“ You don’t think those men didn’t deserve what they got for what they did ? ” she asks.

“ I don’t know, I just know no one deserves that kind of torture, ” I say.

The bartender gives us our potable. By now I’m feeling a dependable buzz. I want to enjoin her everything, but I can’t. Not yet.

“ So, ding … how about after we finish these drink we go back to your plaza ? ” she asks.

“ S... Sure … ” I stutter.

We both take a sip of our drinks. She grabs my arm. “ No ask to be nervous hun, I’ll construct sure you enjoy yourself. ”

We finish our deglutition and I pay off my tab. I follow her outside.

“ Should I get us an Uber ? ” she asks.

“ My place isn’t far from here if you want we could easily walk, ” I tell her.

“ Sure, ” she says.

We start making our way down the sidewalk. It’s former February in LA and she only has on a little skimpy garb. “ Would you like my coating ? ” I ask.

“ I’m fine, ” she stammers.

“ Honestly, it’s no big peck … Here. ” I take off my crownwork and wrap it around her bare shoulders.

“ Thanks, you’re so sugared, ” she says.

“ No job, ” I say.

We continue walking, at this tip, we’re More than halfway there.

“ So … have you ever been with a woman like me ? ” she asks.

“ A fair sex like you ? ” I ask.

“ A tranny … ” she replies.

“ Honestly, I haven’t really been with anyone before, ” I say bending my head down.

“ Wait a sec, are you a Virgo the Virgin ? ” she asks.

“ Guilty as charged … ”

“ No way ! How does such a nice and handsome guy like you stay single for so long ? ” she asks.

“ I’m dedicated to my work ! I suppose. I haven’t really had much fourth dimension outside of it. ”

“ Aren’t you lonely ? ” she asks.

“ Sadly yes … ”

“ What makes your work so important ? Why would you want that form of aliveness ? ” she asks. “ No criminal offense, but luck of women I know would die to be with soul like you. ”

“ It’s not that simple. You see my female parent was murdered and the grammatical case was never solved. I need to know what happened to her, I need to live the truth. ”

“ Wow … I’m so sorry … ” she says. “ I understand what you’re going through, my female parent was murdered as well. ”

We finally arrive at my apartment. I was really feeling it by now, more than just tipsy. “ Would you like something to drink in ? ” I ask her.

“ Sure, I’ll take whatever you’re having, ” she says.

I go to the kitchen as she sits down on the lounge. I pour us both some screwdrivers since I know that’s what she likes.

I mitt her the drinkable and sit down beside her.

“ Nice situation you got here, ” she points out.

“ Thanks, I guess one of the few benefits of being a CSI is a decent pay, ” I tell her.

We continue to sip our drinks, as we chit-chat.

“ You didn’t seem to be all that put off by me being transgender … Is this something you’ve always wanted to try ? ” she asks.

“ I try not to judge people on physical appearance. Besides, I don’t think there is anything wrong with being transgender. ” I tell her.

“ You’re like the just one who thinks that, ” she says. “ Sometimes it feels like there are only two variety of multitude out there. The ones that hate transgenders and the 1 that want to use us as toys. ”

“ wellspring, I don’t think I fit into either of those categories. ” I take another sip and she puts her drink down on the java table.

She places her hand on my thigh. “ Listen, Nick, you’re a nice guy. I’ve really enjoy talking with you. ”

“ But … ” I interrupted.

“ But, aught. I really like you. I don’t get together young handsome guy wire who are actually nice. virtually guys treat me like some variety of whore or freak. ”

“ I’m sorry, that must be hard. ”

“ It is, especially in my kind of work. ”

“ Can I ask you something personal ? ” I stammer.

“ Sure, go ahead, ” she replies.

“ How did you get into this kind of work ? ” I ask.

“ Ha … Honestly, it’s not something someone dreams to be when they’re growing up. But … A woman like me doesn’t have many other selection. Being transgender … ”

“ There wasn’t any other work you’ve could’ve done ? What about schooling ? ”

“ beloved, it’s not that simple. When society circle expectation for what a man and a charwoman is, mass who don’t fall into those class are often ostracized, ” she says. “ It’s severely to witness piece of work when people won’t even talk to you because of what you are. ”

“ I’m sorry to listen that. You seem like a good person, ” I say to her. She lets out a small smile.

“ Often times that’s not enough. ” The pain in her voice is evident. I wrap my arm around her.

“ There must be something … Something that can be done. You shouldn’t have to sell yourself. ”

She looks into my oculus and she leans in and our brim touch. It felt like a lightning bolt ran right through me. I shouldn’t be doing this. I know this is incorrect, but I need to be with her. I need to know her.

She pushes me back on the couch and straddles my waistline as she continues to buss me. Her men pull my shirt up over my caput and she tosses it aside. Her sassing journeying down my cutis. She sucks on my neck opening and makes her way down to my breast. She stops and gets off me. “ Let’s go to your sleeping room, ” she says.

I quickly get up and follow her, leaving all my inhibitions behind. As soon as we get into my sleeping accommodation, she tosses me on the bed and crawls on top of me. Our lip are locked together once More as her hands start exploring my body. They find their way down to my bang warp and slowly unwrap it. future, her fingerbreadth unbutton my pants as her tongue berth past my brim.

She breaks away to extract my pants off, leaving me in just my boxers. She then stands up off the bed and turns her back to me. She undoes her dress and it falls to the storey. She only has a thong on underneath. She looks over her shoulder at me. “ Are you sure you still want to do this ? ” she asks as she hooks her ovolo underneath her thong.

I get up and stand behind her, wrapping my branch around her. “ Is there any easily way to lose one's virginity than with a beautiful woman like you ? ”

“ Do you really mean that ? ” she asks.

I kiss the backrest of her cervix as I pull her tight against me. If she only knew the truth. I’ve been searching for her my entire life. I kiss her shoulder. My hands move on top of her's, sliding her underclothes down until it falls to the floor.

She turns around still wrapped in my arms. She looks trench into my eyes. “ You’re beautiful, ” I whisper to her as our lips embrace. She wraps her arm around my cervix.

We both fall back onto the bed, still wrapped in each other's weaponry. Our tongues dance in my mouth. Her hand slips underneath my boxers, grabbing a fistful of my asscheek.

She rolls on top of me, both mitt tugging at my boxers, pulling them down. My tool springs free. She slides the underwear off and tosses them aside. I get a good look at her naked body for the first gear time. My eye travel down from her lucky blonde haircloth, her large titty, to the big turncock between her heavyset thighs.

I can’t look away from it. Her tool is slightly orotund than my own. “ So … How do we do this ? I mean … Obviously, our options are limited. ” I say.

She crawls on top of me, kissing her way up my body. I can feel her pecker as it slides up my leg, finally resting on top of mine. Her lips journey up to mine, deeply kissing me before pulling back. “ We can do it however you want, ” she whispers.

“ What do you opt ? ” I ask.

She slides down, kissing me softly until her lips arrive at my crotch. She sucks my cock into her mouth. Oh my god, that feels so good ! She slowly starts to bob her head up and down my shaft. Twirling her tongue around the tip of my shaft every time she comes up. I grab the weather sheet as she reaches around and grabs my ass. She pulls my hips as she shoves my hammer down her throat. “ Oh fuck ! ” I gasp.

I don’t know how very much longer I can keep this up. She lets my cock fall from her lip. I look down at her as she sucks on her finger. Before I know it, she has her finger up against my son of a bitch. I take a deep breathing spell of air, as she pushes it in. Once again, she has my dick between her lips as she starts to feel have it away my butthole. Plunging my hammer down her throat once more as her finger journeying deep into my ass.

However, she doesn’t do this for long. She lets go of my tool. She looks into my eyes. “ I want to fuck you, ” she says. “ Would you like that ? ”

I barely get a nod in before she lifts my legs up over her shoulder, pulling my ass to her. I can experience the tip of her cock against my ass shot. She leans over and plants a kiss on my lips, pinning my legs against my chest. Her hands run up the backbone of my thigh, locking behind my knees. She slides down and the side by side thing I feel is her wet, warm tongue sliding up and down the crack of my butt, before pressing up against my ingress. She plunges her tongue up my ass. It feels so unknown and yet it feels so good !

She laps her tongue in and out of my ass before pulling it out completely. She then spits on her hand and rubs it all over her cock. She starts to rub the tip of her stopcock up against the virtuoso of my ass.

“ Relax honey, take a deeply breath in, ” she whispers before she starts to fight. I feel a pressure as her tool stretches out my ass. It hurts at first. I bit my lower lip and catch handfuls of sheets. “ Just breath. ”

I inhale an air full lungs as the tip of her hawkshaw plunges past my sphincter, penetrating me. A gasp escapes my lips as she slowly pushes her cock inside me. She leans down and presses her sass against mine as her shaft buries itself deeper in my ass.

As bad as the pain in the ass is, I take it all. All for her. “ Oh piece of tail, you’re so tight. How does it feel to suffer me inside of you ? ” she gasps.

“ UUuuuh screw ! ” I grunt as she starts to pierce her hips back and forth. She starts to get into a rhythm. Her coxa rocking back and Forth bringing that peter in and out of my ass. The annoyance is still there, but I start to sense the pleasure of her turncock against my prostate gland.

My own cock is tough as steel. The pleasure overtakes me. Any second gear I feel like I’m going to explode. She thrust her rod deep in me as I feel her hot and heavy breathing place against my nerve. I look up into her middle as she looks down into mine. Once again our lips are together and our tongues wrestle for infinite. She starts to fuck my ass with heartiness. Slamming her cock inscrutable inside me.

“ Oh fuck ! I’m going to cum ! ” She pulls out just enough to ram her hammer as oceanic abyss inside me as she can. I can feel her hawkshaw start to pulse, spraying her load deep within of me, just as my own cock erupts, spewing cum all over the both of us. We’re both panting for air. She finally pulls out and prostration on top of me after she lets my legs fall to the bed.

Breathing heavily, we are both sweating profusely. She rolls off of me and sits on the edge of the bed. I place gently start to rub her book binding. “ Well, that was the most amazing matter I’ve ever experienced. ”

She looks back at me and gives me a sad smile. “ Too bad your first time was with a tranny hooker. ”

“ No, you’re wrong. My commencement time was with the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. ”

She lets out a small laugh. I scoot up behind her and kiss her shoulder. “ I’m severe ! ”

“ You’re only saying that because this is the first time you’ve ever had sex. ”

“ No, I’m saying that because I truly like you, is that hard to believe ? ” I ask.

“ You don’t even have it off me, ” she argues.

“ Then let's get to know each other, ” I tell her.

“ I don’t know, ” she sighed. “ If you knew me you won’t feel the Saame way. ”

I reached over and turned on the lamp. “ have you forgotten I’m a Crime prospect Investigator ? I’m 100 % sure you haven’t been through anything I can’t handle. Literally, I saw a guy tortured to destruction this morning. ”

“ I’ve done things that I’m not proud of, ” she goes on.

“ We all have, ” I reply.

She looks back at me, she looks like she’s on the verge of crying. She quickly looks away. “ wait, what’s this ? ” she asks as she grabs a photo from my bedside stand.

“ This is my female parent ! Why do you let a flick of her ? ” she asks. Oh, bonk ! I’ve should have told her sooner.

“ She’s also my mother too, ” I say.

“ What ? ! ” she asks bewilderedly. “ How ? ! Oh my god ! We … We had sex ! ”

She looks at me with disgrace and disgust. “ You’re my brother ! ? Did … Did you know this all along ? Is that why you’ve been going to the bar ? ”

“ holy fuck ! I can’t believe I just had sex with my brother ! ” The tears start to fall freely from her eyes. “ And you ! You just let it happen ! ”

She quickly gets up and grabs her clothes.

“ delay, Bianca ! It’s not that dewy-eyed. I only had a hunch. I didn’t know for sure. ” I majorly screwed this up ! I should have been honest at the beginning …

She threw her attire back on and grabbed her heels as she made her way to the door. “ delay, I can explain. I promise ! ” I shouted as she left, slamming the door behind her. Fuck ! I slam my fist against the wall. Why couldn’t I just have asked her ? I let the alcohol get the intimately of me.

I quickly got dressed and ran out after her, but by the time I made it outside she got in a car and took off.
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