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Опубликовано на Авг 10 2011

When I look back at this scene I realize two things.First, I was undernourished and near a stage where I could pass out. Secondly, I had my dong inside a whore who could put the old school hookers in Time Square to shame. She came to me with a sob story about how her bank account was lower than my sperm count and she needed money or else she'd be homeless. Sine my heart is full of love ( and artery-filling foods) I decided to throw some money her way. Her blowjob skills were amazing and that's telling you something since my cock has been housed by some of the best mouths in Porn Valley. It was now time for her to ride me until my balls let loose on her pretty little face. It's days like these where I'm thankful I can help someone's daughter get out of financial ruin.

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Nadia Rio

Nadia Rio

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